Marriage certificate: request for full copy or extract

A person designated by law to represent and defend the interests of another person. For example, the father or mother of a minor child or the head of an organization.

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Three types of marriage certificates can be given to you: full copy (i.e. the reproduction of your entire marriage certificate) or a extracted with parentage or a unrelated extract. The application for a marriage certificate shall be free.

Gait varies by place of marriage : in France or abroad.

In France

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How to apply for a marriage certificate?

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On the Internet

You can make the request directly online :

You will receive the document at home by mail in a few days.

The delay may vary depending on the processing of your request by the services of the city council and the time of delivery of the mail.

By mail

You can send your request by free paper mail to the mayor's office.

Who shall I contact

If you are applying for someone else, you will need to provide your contact information.

The information you want to include in your mail depends on the document you requested:

Type of document requested

Mail information to be provided

Date of marriage, surnames, first names of the spouses + surnames and first names of their parents

Extract with filiation

Date of marriage, surnames, first names of the spouses + surnames and first names of their parents

Date of marriage, surnames, first names of spouses

You will receive the document at home by mail in a few days.

The delay may vary depending on the processing of your request by the services of the city council and the time of delivery of the mail.

On the spot

You must apply to the mayor's office.

Who shall I contact

The document will be issued to you immediately.

if you request a marriage certificate (full copy or extract with filiation) other than yours (that of your daughter, for example), proof of your direct filiation with this person (copy of your birth certificate, family record. ) will be requested. You will also need to show your ID card.

Is the application for a marriage certificate free of charge?

Yes, the request is free.

there is no need to make your request on websites that ask you for financial compensation.

What are the differences between the acts?

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Full Copy

The complete copy shall reproduce all the information contained in the marriage certificate entered in the register of civil status.

It shall include in particular the following information:

Extract with filiation

The extract with parentage is a summary of the information contained in the marriage certificate entered in the civil registry.

It shall contain the following information:

Unrelated Extract

The extract without parentage is a summary of the information contained in the marriage certificate entered in the civil registry.

It shall contain information on each spouse (surname, forenames, date and place of birth) and marginal mentions when they exist.

Who can apply for a marriage certificate?

Access to a copy of a marriage certificate depends on the type of document and the person requesting it.

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Full Copy

You can obtain a full copy of a marriage certificate if you are one of the following:

If you are on this list, you can obtain a copy of a birth or marriage certificate from the public archives. at any time and without limitation in time.

However, any other person (e.g. uncle, aunt) will not be able to request the release of these documents until:

Extract with filiation

You can obtain an extract from a marriage certificate with filiation, if you are one of the following:

If you are on this list, you can obtain a copy of a birth or marriage certificate from the public archives. at any time and without limitation in time.

However, any other person (e.g. uncle, aunt) will not be able to request the release of these documents until:

Unrelated Extract

You can obtain an excerpt from a marriage certificate without having to justify your request.