The Jewish New Year: Perry Stone

The Jewish New Year

TLDR: The key idea of the video is that the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, holds symbolic significance in biblical tradition and represents a time of confession, separation, and God’s intervention, with potential future events that could astonish people.

  1. 👉 The speaker apologizes for their raspy voice due to diabetic medicine and expresses excitement to share something with the viewers.
  2. 📅 The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, is approaching on September 18th and 19th, marking the change from 5780 to 5781, and it’s important to ignore critics and their opinions.
  1. 📚 The Jewish New Year explores the interpretation of the number 666 in the book of Revelation, discussing the numerical value of Greek and Hebrew letters and their significance in biblical texts.
  1. 📅 The speaker proposes celebrating the Jewish New Year now, emphasizing the significance of numbers in biblical tradition and sharing a prediction made in 2016 about the 45th president.
  1. 📅 The Jewish New Year 5781 focuses on confession, parabolic symbolism, covenants, and the symbolic meanings of the year’s letters.
  1. 🔒 Stay committed, be vigilant, and guard your heart and mind in the coming year, separating yourself from negative influences and surrounding yourself with supportive friends, as there will be a separation of the good from the bad in the Jewish New Year.
  1. 📅 The Jewish New Year of 5781 symbolizes God’s intervention and promises, emphasizing the importance of enduring, showing love, and confessing His word, with the letter “shin” representing God’s name and signifying a year of forming a strong remnant, while the number 5781 means “you will be amazed,” possibly hinting at a future event that could stun people.
  1. 🔮 The speaker claims to have prophetic knowledge and believes that the Holy Spirit enables certain individuals to see things, encouraging viewers to subscribe and support the channel.