Chapter 3 General Requirements

Pallet stacks and piles shall be separated from buildings in accordance with Table 315.7.6(1) for wood pallets and Table 315.7.6(2) for plastic pallets.

315.7.6.2 Separation From Other Pallets and On-Site Storage

Pallets shall be separated from other pallet piles and other storage in accordance with Table 315.7.6(3) for wood pallets and Table 315.7.6(4) for plastic pallets.

315.7.7 Prohibited Locations

Pallets shall not be stored underneath high-voltage transmission lines, elevated roadways or elevated railways.

315.8 Lithium Battery Storage and Handling

The storage and handling of lithium ion and lithium metal batteries or cells in quantities exceeding 1,000 pounds (454 kg) shall comply with Section 315.8.1 through 315.8.10, and Chapter 32 where applicable.

315.8.1 Permits

Permits shall be required as set forth in Section 105.6.51.

315.8.2 Maximum Quantity in a Fire Area

The aggregate amount of lithium batteries stored and handled in a single fire area shall not exceed 9,000 pounds (4086 kg).

315.8.3 Construction Requirements

Fire areas shall be separated from each other by fire barriers having not less than 2-hour fire resistance rating constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the Building Code and horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711 of the Building Code.

315.8.4 Number of Fire Areas

The maximum number of fire areas within a building shall be four.

315.8.5 Group H, Division 2 Occupancy

Storage and handling of more than 9,000 pounds of lithium batteries per fire area shall be in an approved Group H, Division 2 occupancy constructed in accordance with the Building Code and provided throughout with approved automatic smoke detection and radiant-energy detection systems.

315.8.6 Automatic Sprinkler System

Buildings containing fire areas used for lithium battery storage or handling shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. The design of the sprinkler system within each fire area shall not be less than that required for Extra Hazard Group 2 with a minimum design area of 2,500 square feet. Where the storage arrangement is required by other provisions of this code to be provided with a higher level of sprinkler system protection, the higher level of sprinkler system protection shall be provided.

315.8.7 Automatic Smoke Detection System

An approved automatic smoke detection system that activates an approved occupant notification system shall be provided throughout each fire area in accordance with Section 907.

315.8.8 Radiant Energy Detection

An approved radiant-energy detection system that activates an approved occupant notification system shall be installed throughout each fire area in accordance with Section 907.

315.8.9 Collection Containers

Containers used to collect or store lithium batteries shall be noncombustible and shall not have an individual capacity exceeding 30 gallons (113.6 L), or be approved for transportation in accordance with the Department of Transportation (DOT).

315.8.10 Storage Configuration

Lithium batteries shall be considered a high-hazard commodity in accordance with Chapter 32 and where applicable, lithium battery storage shall comply with Chapter 32 in addition to Section 315.8.

Section 316 Hazards to Fire Fighters

316.1 Trapdoors to Be Closed

Trapdoors and scuttle covers, other than those that are within a dwelling unit or automatically operated, shall be kept closed at all times except when in use.

316.2 Shaftway Markings

Vertical shafts shall be identified as required by this section.

316.2.1 Exterior Access to Shaftways

Outside openings that can be reached by the fire department and that open directly on a hoistway or shaftway communicating between two or more floors in a building shall be plainly marked with the word "SHAFTWAY" in red letters not less than 6 inches (152 mm) high on a white background. Such warning signs shall be placed so as to be readily discernible from the outside of the building.

316.2.2 Interior Access to Shaftways

Door or window openings to a hoistway or shaftway from the interior of the building shall be plainly marked with the word "SHAFTWAY" in red letters not less than 6 inches (152 mm) high on a white background. Such warning signs shall be placed so as to be readily discernible.

Exception: Marking shall not be required on shaftway openings that are readily discernible as openings onto a shaftway by the construction or arrangement.

316.3 Pitfalls

The intentional design or alteration of buildings to disable, injure, maim or kill intruders is prohibited. A person shall not install and use firearms, sharp or pointed objects, razor wire, explosives, flammable or combustible liquid containers, or dispensers containing highly toxic, toxic, irritant or other hazardous materials in a manner that could passively or actively disable, injure, maim or kill a fire fighter who forcibly enters a building for the purpose of controlling or extinguishing a fire, rescuing trapped occupants or rendering other emergency assistance.

316.4 Obstructions on Roofs

Wires, cables, ropes, antennas, or other suspended obstructions installed on the roof of a building having a roof slope of less than 30 degrees (0.52 rad) shall not create an obstruction that is less than 7 feet (2133 mm) high above the surface of the roof.

  1. Such obstruction shall be permitted where the wire, cable, rope, antenna or suspended obstruction is encased in a white, 2-inch (51 mm) minimum diameter plastic pipe or an approved equivalent.
  2. Such obstruction shall be permitted where there is a solid obstruction below such that accidentally walking into the wire, cable, rope, antenna or suspended obstruction is not possible.

[California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §3.05(b)] Fire Department Access and Egress. (Roofs).

  1. (b) Roofs. No person shall install or maintain any security barrier such as barbed wire fencing, razor wire fencing, chain link fencing or any other fencing material, cable, aerial, antenna or other obstruction on the roof of any commercial establishment in such a manner as to obstruct or render egress or access hazardous in the event of fire or other emergency.

Exception: Guy wire, rods and aerial antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure having a slope of less than 30 degrees provided there is full clearance of seven feet or more between the roof and said obstruction. Guy wire or rods required to support aerial or antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure a lateral distance from the mast not in excess of one-sixth the height of the mast.