Conditional Tense Spanish: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

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Even as a beginner, learning how to speak in the conditional (specifically the simple conditional tense Spanish) is one of the easier concepts to understand, and it can be put to use right away whether you wish to make a request, order a coffee or you’re speaking with a friend.

In some ways, the conditional can act as a friendlier, less direct alternative to using the Spanish Imperative mood

Forming The Spanish Conditional

In this post, we will cover the simple conditional tense – plus two other ways that you can speak in the conditional:

Simple Conditional:

Conditional Compound:

If Clauses:

What Is The Conditional?

The conditional is a structure that we use to express possibility or probability, wishes, excuses, and even suggestions or requests. It can also be used to talk about things we would do, if a certain action happens (ie. hypothetical situations).

You can think of it as the equivalent of how we use ‘would’, ‘could’, ‘should have’ or ‘probably’ in English.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common instances where you’ll find the conditional being used.





The above examples are in the simple conditional.

But there are other conditional forms that you can use to express the same idea, in a different context (e.g. referring to past actions).

Possibility or Probability using if clauses

Hypothetical situations

Now that you know where you can use the conditional, we’re going to explain how to speak in the three forms that we previously mentioned.

1. Simple Conditional Tense Spanish

As we mentioned before, this is one of the simplest Spanish verb tenses that you can learn.

For regular verbs, all you need to do is memorize the following endings, and add them to the infinitive form of the verb.

Below are the endings for all verbs:

Personal pronoun Endings for verbs -AR -ER -IR
Yo -ía
Tu -ías
El / Ella -ía
Usted -ía
Nosotros -íamos
Ustedes -ían
Ellos -ían

Let’s see how it looks when we add these endings to some of the most common regular verbs.

Personal Pronoun





Irregular Verbs In The Simple Conditional

Irregular verbs in the conditional are treated very similar to those in the simple future tense, and so any stems that are irregular in the simple future, are also irregular in the conditional.

(related: read this post for a super-simple breakdown of the Spanish future tense.)

This means that irregular verbs have different stems, but use the same regular endings that we just covered.

Below are some of the most common irregular verbs, along with their conjugation in the conditional:

Sidenote: remember that all endings in the conditional have an accent mark over the < í >.

2. Conditional Compound

The conditional compound form should be familiar to English speakers, as it tends to be used when you want to express that you would have done something in the past, but a certain condition prevented it.

An example of the English equivalent is saying something like “I would have worked”, “They would have visited” or “You should have (+ verb)”.

The conditional compound consists of two parts:

  1. The verb “haber” in its simple conditional form
  2. The “action” verb in its past participle form

Let’s review how we conjugate the verb “haber” in the simple conditional:

Now that we reviewed how to conjugate “haber”, all you need to do is use the past participle of the action verb.

For all regular -AR verbs, we will use the ending -ado as follows:

English Infinitive Past Participle Spanish Infinitive Past Participle
To buy Bought Comprar Comprado
To close Closed Cerrar Cerrado
To cut Cut Cortar Cortado

Regular verbs that end in -ER and -IR have an -ido ending at the end of the conjugation:

English Infinitive Past Participle Spanish Infinitive Past Participle
To eat Eaten Comer Comido
To know Known Conocer Conocido
To sleep Slept Dormir Dormido
To live Lived Vivir Vivido

Once you know these rules, and you’re aware of the irregulars, then you can form the conditional compound by using the following structure:

Haber (simple conditional form) + past participle + context

This is used when you want to talk about an action that was supposed to happen in the past, but something got in the way and it didn’t happen.

If you ever need to make an excuse about not following through with a past action, then this structure will be your friend.

Let’s take a look at some examples:

(related: for more about past participles, read our post on present perfect tense here.)

3. If Clauses (Cláusulas si) Spanish

The last form that we’re going to cover is the use of If clauses. to speak in the conditional.

These are used when you want to express a possibility or probability that something may happen (or may have happened) if a particular conditional is (was) met.

It can be related to the past, present or future.

There are four differents If clauses to cover in Spanish.

1. Both verbs in the sentence are conjugated in the present tense:

(if + present verb + present verb)

This form is used when we want to express that when one action occurs, a second next action is performed as a result of the first.

2. The combination of verbs in the present and future tense:

(if + present verb + result + future tense)

A future action will be completed, if the present action is carried out.

3. The combination of the imperfect subjunctive and the conditional

(if + verb in past imperfect subjunctive + simple conditional)

If a past action was complete, then the present action would be carried out.

4. The combination of the pluperfect subjunctive and the conditional

(if+ pluperfect subjunctive + conditional compound)

This is similar to the previous example, only this time both actions are in the past.

This form emphasizes that one action occurred before another one, and most likely the result of the earlier action is connected to the result of the 2nd action.

(sidenote: you’ll notice that in some cases, if clauses allow you to express a conditional situation, without using the conditional forms we covered earlier)

Differences Between WOULD, COULD, SHOULD And The Spanish Conditional:

Thinking about ‘would’, ‘could’ or ‘should’ as trigger words will help you remember when to use the conditional.

However, not all of them follow the same structure when it comes to introducing an action verb.

Let’s take a final look at how each word can trigger the conditional.


When would precedes an action verb in a sentence, that verb will likely to be conjugated in the simple conditional (or conditional compound), along with the endings we previously covered -ía -ías -íamos.

The same idea applies to using the conditional compound and “would have” for past actions.

Could (Podria)

Could is another trigger word that can active the conditional form.

You’ll notice that the could have is activated by combining: could (simple conditional) + haber + past participle.

Should (Debería)

And finally, should is commonly used to speak in the conditional form.

As per the last example, should have is activated by combining: should (simple conditional) + haber + past participle.

Below are some examples of the conditional being used in all of the forms that we covered.

Spanish Conditional: Exercises To Complete

  1. Te (ayudar) _______ a limpiar la casa, si (tener) ______ tiempo.
  2. Si (tener) _______ dinero, me (comprar) _____ un carro nuevo
  3. Si (haber/llamar) ____________ a tu madre, ella (haber/estar) __________ feliz.
  4. Si Yo (tener) ______ la receta, yo (hacer) _____ la torta.
  5. Nosotros (ver) _________ el mundial de fútbol, pero tenemos que trabajar.
  6. ¿(Poder) ________ ayudarme con mi tarea? No entiendo nada.
  7. Yo (ir) ________ pero tengo que trabajar.
  8. Nosotros (pagar) __________ la cuenta, pero no tenemos dinero
  9. Si tu (ahorrar) ______ tú (poder) _______ viajar en tus vacaciones.
  10. Ellos (deber) _________ comprar esa casa.
  11. Me (gustar) _________ ir a un concierto de Paul McCartney
  12. Ella se (poner) _______ la chaqueta, pero hace mucho calor.
  13. Si Ellos (conseguir) _______ los boletos de avión, (poder) ______ venir a visitarnos.
  14. Mi madre se (enojar) ________ si (llegar) _______ tarde a la casa.


  1. Te (ayudar) ayudaría a limpiar la casa, si (tener) tuviera tempo.
  2. Si (tener) tuviera dinero, me (comprar) compraría un carro nuevo
  3. Si (haber/llamar) hubieras llamado a tu madre, ella (haber/estar) habría estado feliz.
  4. Si Yo (tener) tuviera la receta, yo (hacer) haría la torta.
  5. Nosotros (ver) veríamos el mundial de fútbol, pero tenemos que trabajar.
  6. ¿(Poder) Podrías ayudarme con mi tarea? No entiendo nada.
  7. Yo (ir) iría pero tengo que trabajar.
  8. Nosotros (pagar) pagaríamos la cuenta, pero no tenemos dinero
  9. Si tu (ahorrar) ahorraras tú (poder) podrías viajar en tus vacaciones.
  10. Ellos (deber) deberían comprar esa casa.
  11. Me (gustar) gustaría ir a un concierto de Paul McCartney
  12. Ella se (poner) pondría la chaqueta, pero hace mucho calor.
  13. Si Ellos (conseguir) consiguieran los boletos de avión, (poder) podrían venir a visitarnos.
  14. Mi madre se (enojar) enojaría si (llegar) llegáramos tarde a la casa.

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